Friday, May 10, 2013

Grown Up Life

T and I are slowly starting the adjustment towards grown up life. He's taking it better than I am, but he's had a few years of experience on me. :) I graduate this coming Saturday (the 18th), and it's a bit overwhelming for me. I break out randomly and cry for little to no reason, and sometimes with good reason. Regardless, we're going to make this transition!

I've slowly started packing up my stuff to move out. And by slowly I mean I've managed to almost empty my entire bookshelf into boxes in the last... three days. But hey, I have until the end of June and I'm getting an early start! As usual, I have a
most ...helpful little helper. Pretty much as soon as I empty any form of small, enclosed space, Yoshi has to come and sleep in it. I should really look into building her a cat fortress.

T got his job moved up to the metro, so he's been commuting the past few days (days? it feels like weeks!). The first few days were really rough for him and I felt really bad (I mean, it wasn't my fault but I don't like him being miserable at work!). Luckily he made a request that I was able to follow through with. He requested that I make something that he could keep in his pocket at work that he can pull out or just hold onto that will remind him of me. Good thing I'm crafty as all get out, right?

Also lucky for him (and me), the Mad Crafter just recently made an awesome blog post about making charms with polymer clay, saving me the trouble of almost trying my hand at salt dough. I don't actually own salt, and it was a lot less painful to buy clay than a bucket of salt.

I made two, because the first was a test run to make sure the settings on everything worked correctly. I found that the temp and time were a little off for my oven (realistically, my oven is horrible), so the top actually got a little burnt coloring to it. :( Regardless, I strung it up and made a second one at a lower temp and shorter time.

And because I'm German I had to include "Ich liebe dich" (I love you) on the back of the second one. :)

Alright, so... student teaching is over and I'm wrapping up a few loose ends for classes so I can graduate for real. I mean... really. Yeah, yeah, I'm nervous...

Ahhhh, grown up life!

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