Sunday, October 14, 2012

Delusions aside, let's talk.

When I created this blog I thought to myself, "Awesome, a place where I can talk about my student teaching every day... and if not every day then every other day!" Well, soon "every other day" turned into "once a week" which turned into "oh yeah, I have a blog... what about again?"

See also: it's midterms and I haven't posted but maybe twice. Which means you're about to get a wall of text typed out in the twenty minutes before Thomas and I leave to crash his parents' plans for the night. I'm kidding; it's his birthday. Speaking of birthdays, I'd like to make an announcement: the amount I'm willing to hand-stitch for you is reflective of how much I like you. I'm only half kidding, really, and it should be noted that I've hand-stitched almost all of my gifts to Thomas thus far. (Hey, it has to say something, yes?) I don't know how many of my friends are into Game of Thrones (Hodor.), but it's an awesome series and one that Thomas got me into. I originally made him a direwolf/House Stark sigil pillow, featured on a post over on my G+ account that I'll link to at another time. To go with it, I made him this awesome fleece blanket for his birthday. By the way, the house Stark motto is "Winter is Coming," which I had originally planned to embroider on the blanket but unfortunately ran out of time. Maybe next time.

 This is the finished project. It's a rather large blanket (I think it's 1.65 yards or so, roughly 1.5 yards all tied up), but it's amazingly soft and warm. Yes, I'm using it right now while waiting on him.

 A close up on the ties. Originally I was going to knot them, but then I saw an awesome little tutorial online about how you can make these awesome ties and just had to do it. It took probably three times as long, but once I got into a groove it wasn't bad at all. I also have pictures that show how to do it in case anyone is curious.

Of course, Yoshi had to "help" me as well. Her favorite way of helping was the "I'm not paying you any attention while I put cat fur on this while sitting in your way" method. Very helpful, I assure you.
I don't know why, but Blogger just moved all of my pictures around. To each their own, I suppose. I also included a picture of my amazing (but totally not) hand-stitching. Don't mind those crooked direwolf fangs, darlings! I hand sketched the sigil, so don't hate.

Anyway, when I get some time I'll make an actual school related post, but for now I'll have to leave you with crafty goodness. Also, I need to find my shoes, which I'm sure is going to be easier said than done.