Monday, January 14, 2013

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and everything else.

It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm pretty terrible at updating blogs, not going to lie. Just prod me with a fork periodically and I'll pretend to know what's going on. I got to spend a portion of Thanksgiving break at home with my family, which was a lot of fun. It meant seeing my niece and nephews that I normally don't get to see, which is always great. It also meant playing scrabble with my mom, which is one of those things that my mom and I always do when I come home because my dad is a little challenged in the spelling field. He could eventually play something, but only after asking us how to spell enough words that we knew the words on his tile bench. :)

Christmas was exceptionally grand this year for me. I had a lot of different Christmas' this year, which is something new for me. The weekend before Christmas I got to hang out with Thomas and his family, and then Christmas Eve was dinner with Dan and Bri (brother and sister in law). Christmas day I spent with my parents lounging around the house, and that evening we went to Bri's parents' new house to check it out and have some dessert. Speaking of Christmas, since I'm perpetually poor, I made all of my gifts this year. My mom, Bri, and Thomas' mom all got the same present (which I should seriously make for myself one of these days), which was a foot rice warmer. (The tutorial can be seen here on Jenna's blog, I didn't design it, she did.)

They came out really well, and minus the slight smell of rice, they work really well. My mom likes to carry hers around on her hands, so I should probably look into making one that's smaller for her pockets or something.

Thomas' present was delayed, mostly because I couldn't think of what to make him up until two weeks before Christmas, at which time I was heading home to spend time with my family. I gave him a choice between a pillow or a blanket (I've made him a House Stark sigil set previously, but I wanted to go another route this time), and he picked a blanket. He mentioned something about someone hogging the House Stark sigil blanket when they visit, but I'm not sure what he's talking about. ;D I decided to go the Star Wars route and made the Rebel symbol (which was a lot harder to cut out than it looks). Also, I actually sewed it on with the machine, which was a major accomplishment for me. Yoshi, however, is not easily amused by the rebel forces!

Student teaching started! I got to take over my first class today, which was exciting. They're very quiet and hard to get motivated, but I have no doubt that we'll make this semester work. Oh, and on a last note, Thomas and I made sushi last night (it's with imitation crab, don't judge, I'm allergic to fish) and it was absolutely awesome. So now I will leave you with a picture of awesome sushi and a super cute (and sleepy) dog, Luke (he's Thomas').