Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Morgen beginnt mein Schulpraktikum!

In case you aren't familiar with the German language (and let's be honest, who really is?), tomorrow begins my student teaching. I'm going to be with a German 4 classroom, which is quite a bit intimidating. Personally, I never made it to German 4 in high school - the program was cut after we finished German 3. Our classes were always large and hectic because they were combined classes (German 1 and 3 at the same time, German 2 and 4 at the same time, etc.). The teacher did as good a job working with everyone as she could, but it was still a rough time.

So tomorrow I'll be over at the high school from 12:35 until 2pm, followed by class from 4:30 until 7pm. I'm definitely looking forward to it, but the idea of having to speak correct German for these students is absolutely terrifying. Maybe I can sit in the corner and hope for the best? Just teasing.

Craft wise I have done almost nothing lately (sad face), mostly due to lack of time. I do have at least one secret project that I need to work on before October gets here, but otherwise it's been relatively quiet around here. Yoshi's been clingy and kind of needy; I think my change of schedule and not being around as much is making her kind of miss me. Luckily I'll be backing off a bit with the hours at work, so she'll get to see me quite a bit more in the mornings (fewer 4am wake up calls are good for almost everyone, yes?).

Ah, so nervous...

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